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Free-Range In!

February 28, 2008
10:47 AM

Todays London Independent

Congratulations Hugh!

You did it!


  1. Petra

    on February 28, 2008

    That’s a wonderful ray of hope – now PLEASE let’s do the same for pigs!

  2. laura

    on February 28, 2008

    I absolutely couldn’t agree more about the pigs.
    Did anyone see last night’s television programme with dr. leslie regan regarding food labelling and what she would and would’t put into her shopping basket.
    in the organic food part, she got unbelievale filmed access to a non-organic pig farm. it was grotesque, the conditions the poor sows are kept in and those metal bars to keep them in one position so they don’t squash the piglets is just appaling. comparing the life of the the poor factory/battery sow to the happy rooting around in the field sow was so informative. probably unconsciously so on her part. she still was not convinced by the organic argument. on animal welfare alone it would have to win, whatever about the actual crops and pesticides.

  3. Martin

    on February 28, 2008

    You are dead right Petra and Laura, the fight is only begining!

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef