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Making Hay

July 3, 2008
08:24 AM

I love Bill Bryson for his passion, like my own, for atrocious puns.
This bit is from Down Under, his travels through Australia.
On his way to overnight in Hay he stops for petrol:

As I paid the man asked me where I was heading.
‘Hay’ I replied, and was struck by a sudden droll thought. ‘And I’d better hurry. Do you know why?
He gave me a blank look.
‘Because I want to make Hay while the sun shines.’
The man’s expression did not change.
‘I want to make Hay while the sun shines.’ I repeated with with a slight alteration of emphasis and a more encouraging expression.
The blank look, I realised after a moment, was probably permanent.
‘Aw, you won’t have any trouble with that,’ the man said after a minute’s considered thought. ‘It’ll be light for hours yet.’


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef