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Our Grannie’s Recipes

April 4, 2009
10:23 AM

It must have been at least a year ago when I noticed a piece in Kieran Murphy’s Ice Cream Ireland blog saying the Eoin Purcell of Mercier press was looking for Grannie’s recipes for a cookbook.
I sent him off two, one of my mothers and another of my Great Aunt Agnes’s.
Then I forgot all about it.
Yesterday in the cookery section of the library (my wife won’t let me buy any more cookbooks at the moment, she reckons my addiction is seriously out of hand and wants me to join Addicted Book Buyers Anonymous) and what did I find but that Our Grannies Cookbook was out.
Yes and there on pages 72 and 44 were the two recipes I had sent in.
Buy it yourselves and try them out:- Me ? I will just have to do with the library copy until I have gotten to step ten of the ABBA cure.

I just checked out Mercier’s website to link to the book and found that the book is sold out. Amazon UK however say they have 7 new and used copies here.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef