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Sweet Justice

May 29, 2010
13:55 PM

Friends I and P are staying with us at the moment, as they live in the north of France they always make use of their trips south to slip over the border into Spain and stock up on the stuff (practically everything) which is cheaper there.
About two hours after they had left they rang to tell me that they had had an incident on the motorway.

The traffic on the Languedocienne, which is the main artery between Iberia and Eastern and Northern Europe, was dire and they were creeping along slowly when they were rammed from behind by a large four wheel drive Mercedes.
They swung around to see the man in the car hurriedly folding away a map which he had been reading.
There was about €1000 worth of damage done to P and I’s car.
The culprit blustered and swore but eventually headed back to he car to get his insurance papers for P to copy.
But he didn’t.
Instead he threw the car into gear and flew off down the motorway.
Now my friend P is no slouch behind a wheel so in they got and gave pursuit.
Eventually they spotted him in the distance and started taking photos of the number plate.

But then a kindly God stepped in and delivered sweet justice.

Out on the road stepped a gendarme and stopped our culprit in flight for a random check.

P and I stopped behind and told their tale to the Gendarme. They were believed instantly (The evidence was on the front of the culprit’s car and on the back of theirs )
The Gendarme took down all the details of the incident and stood over the miscreant while he gave Paul all of the necessary details.

With a member of the police force now as witness I doubt if my friends will have any problem being paid.

Sometimes they are there, just when you need them.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef