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May 16, 2011
09:15 AM

Stan One.jpg

We have a resident Black Redstart called Stan* who has this year, together with his lady love, decided to make a nest in the cour under our terrace.

Himself and herself are at the moment deeply involved in feeding a nestful of ravenous chicks and make ten minute refuelling trips carring worms or insects.

If Síle has the temerity to hang washing on the line this interferes with their feeding schedule and they indicate their impatience by chirping savagely.

Stan Two.jpg

Sometimes if Síle has totally overstayed her welcome Stan will hop up and down in a lather of fractiousness.

*He is called Stan after Stendhal the author who wrote Le Rouge et Le Noir thereby becoming an obvious patron of the Black Redstart


  1. anne

    on May 16, 2011

    Who needs television!

  2. martin

    on May 16, 2011


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef