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The Cost of Living

September 30, 2011
11:04 AM

It is a question people constantly ask us – “What is the cost of living like in France?” and more and more my answer (as costs seem to rise in France and sink in Ireland)- “Much the same as Ireland”.

But of course there are things which are much cheaper out her, those things which grow easily here, mediterranean fruits and vegetables which are still luxuries back in Ireland (the obverse is also true- fish and potatoes for example are certainly cheaper, and often of better quality Ireland)

About 18 months ago a group of farmers got together and took over some sheds at the back of a garden centre and turned it into a six day a week farmers market- cutting out the middle man- which they called ; La Ferme Biteroisse.
We dont go there as often as we should but we did this morning and were again amazed with the quality and value.
A few examples :
Fresh Figs €3 a kilo
slightly less fresh figs (for jam) €1 a kilo
6 little Aubergines €1.44
Sweet (but very misshapen) tomatoes €1 a kilo
2 Spaghetti Squash €1.06

and best value of all, the duck legs (from which I make my signature confit) were on special offer and cost me €14.50 for 12 large free range beauties.

The shop, which was quiet for the first year, is now starting to be found by the canny housewives of Beziers so I have every hope that they will continue to prosper.


  1. BJ

    on September 30, 2011

    Hi Martin, I used your Roast Salmon with Lemon and Honey recipe last night and it worked perfectly.
    I had 6 happy customers.
    So thanks for making your recipes available and so straightforward (easy to follow)

  2. martine

    on September 30, 2011

    I am still thinking of that wonderful fig tart you made for us. Give us the recipe, please! Or is it yet posted?

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef