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Sermons in Stone

March 1, 2013
15:40 PM

Stonewall 1 (480x640).jpg

When one is lucky enough to buy an old stone house with a walled (if tiny) garden it is amazing to look sometimes at the individual bits of the walls, the different stones used hundreds of years ago when it was built, the shards of pottery used in the mortar, the quite amazing colours of the stones and the plants which are now growing on them.

Stonewall 2 (640x480).jpg

Stonewall 5 (640x480).jpg

Stonewall 8 (640x480).jpg

Stonewall 14 (480x640).jpg

Stonewall 13 (480x640).jpg

Stonewall 19 (640x480).jpg

Stonewall 11 (640x480).jpg

Stonewall 23 (640x480).jpg


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef