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Two Recipes for Asparagus

Asparagus Braised in Butter

60g (2oz.) Butter
500g (1lb.) Asparagus
Fresh Black Pepper

Put the butter into your largest frying pan and melt it over a gentle heat.
Take a spear of Asparagus in your hand and , holding the bottom of the spear in one hand and with the other hand somewhere below the middle, snap it in two. You can now discard the coarse base stem, all of the top of the spear is tender and dosn`t need peeling. Repeat this with all the asparagus.

Tip the asparagus into the pan shaking it to let them all fall in one layer.
Increase the heat until the start to sizzle, turn them to sizzle on the other side then reduce the heat and continue to cook them gently, turning them from time to time, for 10 to 15 mts. until tender.
Serve immediately with the pan juices poured over.

Asparagus with Scrambled Egg
[Low fat recipe]

500g (1lb.) Asparagus
3 free range eggs
3 tbs. Skim milk

Snap the asparagus as in the last recipe and put them into a pan of boiling salted water.
Simmer for 5 to 10 mts until tender (timing depends on thickness)

Beat the eggs with the skim milk and season liberally with salt and black pepper.
Using a wooden spoon and a non-stick saucepan cook the eggs over a gentle heat stirring all the time. When thick but not set remove from the heat.
Serve the warm asparagus on hot plates with the eggs as a sauce on the side.

May 13, 2008 09:55 AM

All Recipes
  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef