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Pork Fillet with Plum and Ginger Sauce

With Glazed Carrots
Serves 4

2 tbs. olive oil.
1 large thumb of fresh root ginger., peeled and grated
salt and black pepper to taste
I teaspoon ground ginger
1 kg (2 lb.) pork Fillet
1 bunch Scallions, chopped
5-6 medium plums, stoned and roughly chopped
2 tbs. Honey
1 Glass white wine
1 tsp. balsamic vinegar

500g (1 lb) Carrots
Salt and Pepper
2 Teaspoons sugar
60g (2 oz.) Butter

While still in their packets bash the pork fillets all over with a rolling pin.
This just makes them a little more tender.
Now cut the pork into chunks and put into a bowl.
Season well with salt and pepper and the ground ginger.
Fry these pieces in a hot pan in half the oil until brown then put to one side.
Then switch the heat to medium, and add the remaining oil and the scallions. Cook until softened..
Add the grated ginger and cook an additional 1-2 minutes, stirring often.
Add the plums, season with salt and pepper to taste and cook for about 12-15 minutes, or until the plums are very soft.
Add the honey and stir to combine.
Add the wine and the vinegar and simmer until reduced and slightly thickened, about 3 minutes.
Now add in the pork pieces and simmer together for about 10 mts until the pork is cooked through.

Serve with Rice and Glazed Carrots

Peel or scrub the carrots and cut them into slices along the length.
Cut these slices into strips making long thin chips.
Put these into a frying pan and barely cover with water.
Add the butter, the sugar and the salt and pepper to the pan.
Bring these to the boil and boil quite briskly until nearly all of the water is evaporated. Taste the carrots, if they are tender they are ready now, if not add another cup of water and taste again when that has gone. They should end up covered with a shiny glaze.

June 30, 2008 12:10 PM

All Recipes
  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef