My friend Clive Nunn was celebrating his 60th birthday a couple of weeks ago and, as we going up to help him celebrate we realised that, as per usual, we had forgotten to get a card.
I went to the old photo albums and found a shot of Sue, Clive and I with Naoise (aged about 12 months and sheltering under Clives raincoat.)
This was taken by Sile as we went across to Inis Oirr in the Aran Islands in the summer of 1974, all of 31 years ago. I remember it was a fairly tiny boat and we all got soaked on the way across, but we had had a lovely few days holiday.
With a little judicious scanning and then cropping to lose myself I managed to produce a passible if blurred image.

Clive and Sue were suitably polite about it.
It however left me with a nagging feeling that I had seen an image like it before.
The mind eventually dredged up;
“The Last of England” a typical Sentimental Victorian picture by Ford Madox Brown.

The same windswept boat, the same child under the coat.
sue nunn
on June 15, 2005Thanks Mart! Not polite at all -we both love it. We hope to do the Saltees with the small boys before the end of the summer.
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