The charity “Make-A-Wish Foundation“, a sort of Jim’ll Fix It de nous jours are holding a special day today to raise money for children who have life threatening illnesses to help make their dreams a reality. The English Independent have written an article in which they asked various celebrities to name their wishes.
As a profoundly anal list person how could I resist?
I have been very lucky in my life and have managed to achieve most of my dreams and life ambitions so the list is of necessity a little trivial.
I am leaving out all the obvious ones like health, wealth, longevity, grand-children, that everyone knows about already.
My Wishes:
1. To be able to maintain a harmony line
against some one singing a melody,
if my voice sounded sweet that would be OK too.

2. To be able to chatter fluently and carelessly in French.

3.To have a book published, I can never make up
my mind whether this should be a cook-book or a novel
but either would do.

4. To own a house like this in France

The swimming pool is just out of shot.
5. To take a long holiday on a barge along the Canal de Midi.

6. To be allowed to read my own obituary.

Me in Dublin 1966
7. To lose 2 ½ stone (preferably without dieting)

The Family in Germany 1987
8. To be able to grant 10 wishes to Sile,
Caitriona, Eileen and Deirdre,
Oh and Aonghus too,
and my family,
and the in-laws,
and the friends…….

And that’s it really.
I can’t even get to ten,
pathetic I know but
as soon as I think of a few more I’ll add them in.
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