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The Evidence of Weight 2

November 30, 2005
10:47 AM

Today I managed 30 kilometres in 58.50 minutes on the exercise bike.
Not exactly a world record broken I know but a new world record for me.

(The frightening thing is that I am now supposed to do this every day)

I am not going to weigh myself until at least a week has passed.

I think if I was the same weight as before I would be seriously depressed.
More depressing is that I have cut toast and jam out of my sacred breakfast
and now have just the single slice under my egg.
This is all out war on the waist.

Watch these pages for progress.

On a total not sequitur, for people who imagine that my life of retirement is a relaxing bed of roses, let me describe yesterday.

Yesterday I had to attend a day long meeting of commissioners in the Euro-Toque offices in Brussels.

At 1.30 on Tuesday morning I rise and drive to Dublin to be at the airport the recommended two hours before the time of my flight to Brussels.
Arrive Brussels 9.30,meetings in the office until 4.30, train to airport, plane to
Dublin. Arrive Dublin 9.30., on the dread M50 by 10. Drive home through the rain, get into Waterford at 12.30, 23 hours after I left.
If this is globe trotting glamour I will eat my Toque!
And then I had to face the 30 kilometre cycle as soon as I awoke.



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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef