I remember that Sile and I were particularly fond
of a Watersons song which we came across in the
early seventies.
At this stage I have forgotten most of it.
I think it was called;
When Spring Comes In
and the start was something like this;
When Spring comes in
The birds do sing……
Leading on to the chorus:
Oh the Primroses and the Cowslips too
The Roses in their neat attire
Are sweetly blooming in the Briar
And the Daffydowndillies that we admire
Will die and fade away
I was very strongly reminded of this when I made a pilgrammage out to our garden this morning.
Bar the rose, because our climber has decided to go into shock after the last cold spell, and that having bloomed beautifully all winter, we have the full compliment in the garden.
We have a lovely Rose coloured Camellia which I have taken poetic license to put in the place of the Rose in the Briar.


Cowslips too

Rose (Camellias) in their neat attire

And the Daffydowndillies that we admire.
Welcome Spring !
And I want a special commendation for the cowslip photo.
I had to lie down flat in in the wet grass to take it.
Thereby certainly sure to
“catch my death”
Ah Well!
All in a good cause.
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