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Whines of a Grumpy Old Man

May 8, 2006
13:45 PM

Why are;

All shirts (except those mail ordered at great expense) designed to expose a paunch the minute you raise your arms.

The labels of underpants sewn in with nylon gut of a rigidity to necessitate me to wear all of these garments inside out to avoid at least serious itch or, at worst, scarring of the lower back.

Deodorants infused with such powerful and acrid perfumes as to make one smell like cheap air freshener

All liquid soaps in hotel toilets infused with the same.

If Michael O Leary regards his airline as a bus why does he not make it as easy as getting on a 46A

Why do:

All racists preface their racist statements with “I’m not racist but…..”

We not enforce the law on people with dogs who foul the pavements. When was the last time you saw someone pooper scooping? What about mandatory jail for offenders?

People persist in putting my life in danger by passing me out in their cars at blind corners (if it is suicide they are after fine, but don’t involve me please)


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef