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Mount Usher

May 29, 2006
04:38 AM

Yesterday, with our friend Finola , we went, to see Mount Usher Gardens in Wicklow.
They are absolutely magnificent at the moment with Azaleas in full bloom and some of the Rhododendrons still out.
I took loads of photos but none seemed to do justice to the flowers.
Much better go and see them yourself.
Finola took this shot of Sile and I there-Thanks Fin.
We certainly look as if we were enjoying ourselves!


  1. Fin

    on June 11, 2006

    “When I am old and grey and nodding by the fire……” take out this photograph and remember the beautiful sunny day in Mt Usher. Never seen the two of you looking happier…. Good photography, or what ???

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef