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Professional Licence

October 20, 2006
18:26 PM

I went into a local supermarket this afternoon just to get a few things for dessert as we are having some people to dinner tonight. I got to the check-out with ground almonds, eggs and crème fraiche in my basket.
Now I have a certain very minor recognition factor going for me within the centre of Waterford city, in that area where the local free paper, Waterford Today, is distributed, as I do a weekly recipe in it and it by-lines the recipes with my photo.
There was a woman packing the bags for the ISPCA and she gave me a knowing look and said “Any chance of a few recipes?”
While I was giving my best effort at a smile both modest and self depreciating the check out girl, totally ignoring me, turned to the ISPCA lady and said;” I was wondering, with him being a man and all, getting them things for a cake, and then I recognised him”
I had obviously had a very narrow escape.

This reminded me of an incident about twenty five years ago while I was working in a restaurant here in Waterford.
The gents had gone out of order so we had to send the gents to the ladies until all was fixed.
The local gynaecologist, being taken short was sent off to what we presumed was an empty ladies.
It wasn’t.
He came back rocking with laughter.
He had burst in upon a lady, who turned out to be a patient of his, in situ in the toilet.
She had screamed first, but then recognising him had sighed with relief and said “Oh its alright, Its you doctor”
Obviously she felt her gynie wasn’t seeing anything he hadn’t seen before.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef