December 28th

To Ann and to Eugene Mc Veigh
I wish you both a happy day
And may you live till ninety nine
Enjoying, every time you dine
The very best of food and wine
I must say a brief word on Ann
(I’ve known her since she first began)
I’ve fed her bottles, changed her nappy
Done everything to make her happy
I’ve taught her poems and how to dance
And made her wear those “Meemans Pants”
And holidayed with her in France
And still we two have kept our Peace
You couldn’t find a nicer niece.
What can I say about Eugene
Who is a fan of Haute cuisine
Whom awful puns fill up with glee
And likes his food as much as me
Last summer while with us in France
He had his baptism of fire
But didn’t scowl or look askance
While listening to the drunken choir
Who spent a long time in the throes
Of murdering the songs from shows
In short (and now I’m feeling mellow)
Ann couldn’t find a nicer fellow
And so, while I am still dry-eyed
And bursting with avuncular pride
Let me proclaim it nation-wide
My blessing on the Groom and Bride.
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