At last after about two years of searching I have been able to find a copy of this out of print book (from Liz Seeber), the bible of French cheeses by Patrick Rance.
It was recommended to me by Giana Ferguson of Gubbeen as a sine qua non of existance in France for any cheese lover.
I have barely started nibbling on it but have already discovered one interesting fact.
De Gaulle is said to have pronounced that it was impossible to govern a country which produced 324 different cheeses.
Rance tells us that he started out with a list of 500 addresses of different cheese makers in his pocket and eventually discovered 750 before he gave up.
De Gaulle was in fact way under.
I have never understood why he decided that cheese making was a subversive activity, and anyway if it is, let us celebrate our own renaissance of local cheeses.
on May 19, 2007So Martin, after two years of searching, where did you find this book? And are there any more copies available?
on May 19, 2007Sorry Martin, I see the link now!
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