Last Saturday I was in France when the Irish Times published a piece about my blog in the magazine.
I then got a series of amazingly frustrating congratulatory text messages from family and friends citing phrases like “renaissance man” “juicy titbits” and best of all my sister D saying “you could have written it yourself!”
I finally read it myself this morning and, truth to tell Marie Claire Digby has written a lovely piece about the blog and I owe her many thanks for being so kind about it.
Don’t ever think, fellow bloggers, that blogging is ever going to take over from newspapers, one glance at my stat counter yesterday showed that my hits multiplied about twenty fold after the piece went out on Saturday!
For those of you who didn’t manage to get a copy on Saturday I reproduce the whole lot (except the picture which was clearer from my own copy) here.

Kay Leech
on May 30, 2007wonderful, refreshing web page!
leonie o'toole
on May 31, 2007Hi martin and Sile–
Do you recall life in UCD–68-72 ish -choir, laughs. I did His.Phil. French and Italian–last sighting of Sile at The Point where we were among the masses singing Aida for all–well for Naxos-we have a summer house in Kilmore Quay and I once went looking for you both at McAuliffe’s place in Passage–but to no avail –Anyway–read about you in the weekend Times and wish you both the best of luck in your new venture. Sounds terrific!
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