Back in Waterford after seven weeks in France. Sile and I swore that we were not going to bore the pants off all of our friends by going on, and on about how marvellous it is there and how much better than Ireland it is etc etc.
The very first thing that we noticed this afternoon as we pulled up to the door of our house was that the Red Geraniums we had planted by the front door (okay to the pedants, I know that they are actually Pelargoniums but thats the name I know them by) were putting on a terrific display.
We had wanted while in France to do something similar on the terrace but were thwarted by this little tiny butterfly who lays eggs in these flowers and then his caterpillar larvae devour them from the inside out.
Our attempts at decorating the presbetery terrace with bright pots of red geraniums were totally stymied by these creatures.
So, in this instance anyway, Waterford won hands down.

The victorious Waterford Geraniums.
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