“I thought I saw an eagle, though it might have been a vulture
I never could decide”
If Leonard Cohen (The story of Isaac) is allowed to prevaricate thus…..
We were walking near the tiny village of La Voulte in the footholds of the Monts d’ Espinousse when we heard a mewling seagull like cry overhead.
Looking up there were four very large birds flying high over us.
My brother-in-law Colm, an expert in all things natural, said “I think they might be eagles”
Using my most tele-photo of lens’s (which isn’t up to much) I took this shot of one.
Is it an eagle? You can decide.

Incidentially the Monts d’Espinousse seems to be the name for those mountains that close the Vallee d’Orb to the north.
We were having some difficulty naming them as they seem to be also called the Montaignes Noires (which they could be said to be a part) and also the start of the Massive Central (also true.)
The village of La Voulte had a tiny chapel dedicated to St. Roch which was unfortunately locked.
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