Made from Joe Moore’s apples.
Tarte des Demoiselles Tatin
( Caramelized Apple Tart)
You will need a large ( 12ins or 14ins) Tart tin but not one with a removable base.
8 crisp eating Apples
225g (8 oz.)Castor Sugar
350g (12 oz). Puff Pastry
Put the sugar into a heavy saucepan and put on a gentle heat.
Continue to heat it – stirring from time to time- until the sugar melts and caramelizes. Do this extremely carefully, taking off the heat if necessary,and just let the sugar go nut brown, if it goes black it will be bitter. Dont forget melted sugar is extremely hot.
Spoon this caramel into the base of the tart tin.
Peel the apples and cut in two.
With a teaspoon carefully scoop out the core without breaking the apple.
Put the apples curved side down into the tart tin on the caramel until they are all tightly packed together. ( You may need more or less apples depending on size)
Roll out the pastry into a large circle slightly larger than the top of the tin.
Place this carefully over the apples.
Cook this for 10 mts at Gas 6 200C. 400F. then reduce the heat to Gas 4 175C 350F and cook for a further 15 mts.
Take it out of the oven and leave for 10 mts then very carefully invert on to a large plate so that is upside down .Be sure to keep the delicious caramel juices.
If you are not going to eat it straight away reheat it while still in its tin and then turn it out in the same way.
on October 14, 2007Imagine: Donal made his first ever apple tart today, a good, old fashioned thing baked on a good, old fashioned enamel plate – and it was delicous! I think I will try your tatin recipe. It sounds (and looks) exquisite.
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