One of the ways that computers have made my life much easier is to do with the organisation of my recipes.
I have, since 1990, been giving out two or three recipes each week on my local radio station, WLR, this amounts to a fair bundle of recipes.
Previous to my purchase of a computer in 1999 I wrote these recipes out in long hand and brought them down to the studio with me where there were typed and sent out to people who sent in a stamped addressed envelope.
Now of course I type my recipes straight into the computer and email it to the station and also put it up on my web page where it is to be easily found and downloaded under “Recipes”
There are now over 600 recipes available there on line.
Nowadays of course the people downloading my recipes are no longer just the people who listen to me giving them out on the radio.
Thanks to the advent of efficient search engines a lot of people just search for recipes on line before they cook.
I have a counter on my recipes section which tells me which country the people who use my recipes come from, this is provided my an excellent (and Irish) company called Stat Counter
The thing that continues to amaze me is the variety of countries that hit on my recipes, here is a read out by country for the last 500 hits I have had on my recipe page (roughly the last week-my brothers think I should charge for the service!)

As you can see the largest number looking are from Ireland, as one would expect, followed, again as expected by our neighbours in the UK, and then by our nearest neighbours on the other side, the USA.
It is after that that I am surprised by the variety, 7 hits from France I find flattering, but then I do have Irish friends there, 5 hits from Liechtenstein is amazing considering their population, as is the 3 from Bulgaria (maybe returned émigrés who have developed a taste for Irish food?), 2 hits from the Dominican republic is a surprise, I had to get out the old atlas to find it (south of Cuba, in the Caribbean).
However the most startling hitters are the people who have downloaded six of my recipes in the last week who come from “Unknown”.
Is there some country out there who is able to de-list it self to achieve anonymity, or could it possibly be that I am being downloaded into the kitchens of people yet to be discovered, or, better still the cooking pods of extraterrestrials.
on October 28, 2007just a comment on hits – i have used a few of the recipes from your site but the biggest hit of all is the seed bread – boyfriend is still convinced i bought it in a swanky store – even though i bake a lot! – i think the egg finish and sesame seed top is what prompted the store bought words.
thanks again for recipe
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