The Saffron Risotto shaping up.
Tonight we had a delicious dinner and I couldn’t wait to set it down.
I have the worst habit of cooking something absolutely delicious and a few hours later cannot remember all of the ingredients I put in, this is usually confirmed later when I try to repeat the recipe and can’t.
Tonight I got to the computer about five seconds after I had put the last mouthful into my mouth.
I started cooking tonight intending to cook my classic Chicken Tangiers, or Chicken with Orange Honey and Ginger but a couple of things happened on the way, mainly a lemon, a head of celeriac, some risotto rice and finding a box of Saffron which I need to use up before it goes past its sell by date.
The resulting dish was delicious, the flavouring for the chicken having a quite different effect on the celeriac, making it sweet and fudgey and the combination with the creamy risotto was superb.
Next problem, if only a filing one, is what to call this dish.
Given the Oranges and Lemons, Almonds and Saffron the south of Spain seemed an obvious source, the celeriac, while it does grow in Spain is hardly a speciality of the region but what the hell.
Andalucian Chicken with Saffron Risotto
1 Large Free Range Chicken
1 Orange
1 Lemon
1 Large Thumb Root Ginger
2 Tablespoons Honey
½ head Celeriac (500g /1 lb.)
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon sliced Almonds
2 med Onions
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon Butter
Large Pinch Saffron
1 Mug of Arborio Rice (250g/8oz.)
Roughly Three mugs of Stock.
Joint the chicken into 8 similar sized pieces.
Put the carcass on to boil with a cut unpeeled onion
Brown the chicken pieces in a pan than transfer into a roasting tin.
Peel the Celeriac and cut into chunks.
Add these pieces to the chicken.
Grate the zest from the orange and lemon, peel and grate the ginger and these with the juice of both fruits and the honey to the chicken and celeriac.
Cook these together for roughly 45 minutes at Gas 4, 175C, 350F.
About 30 minutes before the chicken is ready make the risotto.
Chop the onions finely and cook with the saffron in the butter and oil until they are soft and beginning the turn golden.
Add a cup of the hot stock from the pot and simmer slowly until this has absorbed.
Continue adding stock and simmering until the rice is tender and the risotto is creamy but not dry.
As soon as this is ready cover and leave in a warm place.
Take the chicken from the oven, take it out of the tin and keep warm.
Add a cup of stock to the pan and put on the heat and stir and simmer with the pan juices to make a sauce.
Serve the chicken with the risotto on one side and spoon over the sauce.
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