I have been enormously impressed by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Chicken Run programmes on Channel 4 over the last week and most thoroughly support him.
Now, thanks to the wonders of modern technology and the brilliance of daughter Caitriona, you can join him from my site.
Just double click on the logo on the column on the left, under the other links.
Come on Ireland, lets give these chickens a decent life!
on January 11, 2008Did you mean to provide a clickable link with the chicken logo? If so, it doesn’t seem to be working.
on January 11, 2008No, you have to double click on the logo in the left hand column under Some Links. I will make it clearer.
on January 11, 2008Y’see, the thing is is that the cascading style sheet associated with html pages in the root/m directory has the Chicken link, whereas the cascading style sheet associated with html pages in directories below root/m, including those in root/m/archives, don’t. So, all you have to do is make sure that you open the site as http://www.martindwyer.com (and don’t just open the URL from your browser history as http://www.martindwyer.com/m/archives).
Pernicious and deliberate, if you ask me.
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