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The Dancing Pyrenees

March 29, 2008
20:36 PM

OK I have been going on a bit about the elusive view of the Pyrenees from the terrace of our house in France.

It is strange, the villagers say that if you can see the mountains, (they are nearly 150 klms away!) it is a sign of rain.

Just last week Sile’s brother Colm called me to the terrace in some excitement.
Not only were the mountains amazing clear to the naked eys, they were also covered in snow and beautifully lit by the morning sun.

The photo was disappointing, what looked incredible with the naked eye just looked like a faint detail in my camera.

Then Colm had an idea, he held his camera up to the lens of his binoculars and with this makeshift telephoto lens got the best shot of these elusive beauties yet.

(it rained the following day)

Post Scriptum
The “Dancing” is intended to be a metaphor which probably deserves explaining.
The mountains appear and disappear behind their curtain of clouds with such gay abandon that they remind me the words of the song “Lanigans Ball”

I stepped out
I stepped in again
I stepped out
I stepped in again
I stepped out
I stepped in again
Learning to dance at Lanigans Ball


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef