Having witnessed the family home in Cork razed to the ground last week I noticed this week another piece of my past is soon to go under the hammer.
Number 8 Mary Street, in Waterford which we ran as “Dwyers Restaurant” for fifteen years and sold just four years ago is for sale again.
It operated for a couple of years as Brasserie Orange and for them last two as the Savannah Steak House.
I have no idea whether they made money in either venture but while we had it we really had no option but to.
Not only was it our business but, as the family lived upstairs, it was also our family home.
While we had it, we always felt fortunate to own such a venerable old building (The council reckoned it was built in the 1790’s and it had been an Royal Irish Constabulary barracks for most of that time) and we were prepared to work long days and weeks to ensure our survival.
Not only was I the chef but also the restaurant manager, relief waiter, book keeper and occasional cleaner, Sile my wife who was a full time primary teacher, became the Maitre D’ at weekends and as long as we were in control I became a shameless self publicist, prepared to appear on the paper or on the local radio for the slightest of excuses.
Desperation and success often make good bedfellows!
I hope whoever buys it next is also prepared to live over the shop like we did.
It is a beautiful old building and could again be a roaring success.

The restaurant when we had it , painted by Eorna Walton
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