Knowing that I was seeing our house in Thezan at a unique moment I barged around like a lunatic taking far too many bad shots of its current state of destruction.
My justification was that these were historical documentation.

This is the room we have christened The Family Room, previously divided into two now revealed as a wonderful sunny and light space. The marks on the floor indicate where the partition wall stood, fortunately the amazing 1930’s tiles have remained intact as has the coffered ceiling, previously hidden under aero board.

This is the Fireplace Room, Clive Nunn correctly predicted that if the walls at each side of the fireplace were removed it would be revealed as it was previously, (the builder thought this was potty!)
The tiles and the coffered beams now stretch right to the edge of the room letting the fireplace stand proud (and its alright folks, we have the bit of marble which is missing)

Fortunately one person who has remained impervious to all this destruction is Our Lady of Lourdes who is still serene and unmoved (and undamaged) in the courtyard.
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