Did you ever feel you were being followed ?
It all started in 1994 when we were on holidays in the the Auvergne. We headed off on a trip one day up the mountains and as we progressed began to notice people settling in by the side of the road with chairs and rugs and flasks.
After a short while we were told that the road was barred do to the impending arrival of the Peloton of the Tour de France.
On this occasion we turned off a side road so didn’t actually see the tour pass by (although we could hear the roars of the crowd in the distance.)
In 1998 the tour really decided to follow us as it decided to start the race in Ireland and then travel within about a hundred yards of our house in Waterford on their tour.
This time we stood our ground and watched them flashing past.
(It maybe took a minute from start to finish)
Then last year it happened again.
We were on our way from Thezan heading off to explore the Haute Languedoc Parc when we were again barred by parked cars and, on scurrying across the wonderful suspended Pont de Tarrassac,

we arrived on the D908 just in time to see the peloton flash by.

Just last evening I was idly googling “Thezan les Beziers”, our tiny Languedoc village and I discovered to my amazement that the Tour has decided to come through our very village on July the 18th next.
Am I getting paranoid or doesn’t that seem a little coincidental ?
On the two occasions when we havn’t gone to it, it arrives at our door!
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