Sile came home from school with a book she had bought from a travelling salesman which she thought I might like.
It is The Readers Digest; “How to do just about anything with your Digital Photos”
I was delighted and started almost at once to play with it.
Now all you young people out there must realise that I came to the whole business of computers a mere couple of years ago and things like Photoshop are still an almost complete mystery to me.
The first random page I opened was entitled ;”Using the Clone Tool”
It seemed to make sense.
I immediately thought of a post I had done of The Doors of Faugères only last week where I had a photo which I felt I needed for the continuity of the piece but which was spoiled by me leaving the light on behind the door and so, I felt, spoiling the shot.
This was the moment to see if I could fix it.
I took one piece of the curtain from the bottom of the shot using my clone stamp and substituted it for the offending place in the picture.
Here are the before and after;

Voila! Its hard to see the join.
I think I am going to have fun with this.
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