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Le Bassin

August 17, 2008
07:24 AM

Le Bassin is the organ of Thezan Les Beziers, produced by the Mairie twice a year.

This is this summer’s edition. on the cover is a great aerial shot of the village which shows that it is a true Circulade with the houses spiralling the church.

The shot was taken last summer. Those of you with eagle eyes will see our silver Megane parked outside our door just behind Serge and Dany’s white van.
The even sharper eyed may spot in our back garden, between the tree and the house, the red tablecloth we used last summer as a sunshade.
It is a real feeling of having arrived to have hit the cover of Le Bassin !


  1. jedrzej

    on August 29, 2008

    this place is strikingly beautiful, Martin. Congratulations for hitting the cover!

  2. Martin

    on August 29, 2008

    Le jour de gloire est arrivé !

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef