As my newly found patron saint, St Roch originally came from Montpellier it is entirely appropiate that they have a church there dedicated to him.
I finally got there last week.
There were some good stained glass windows dedicated to the saint and a huge statue in the centre of the church but unfortunately there were also some co-veneratees praying to him so i thought to take out the camera would be disrespectful.
Fortunately there was a stall selling postcards there and there I bought the picture which I have reproduced below.
All it says on the back is that it is painted on wood in the 14th century and in a private collecton.

martine joulia
on September 25, 2008« À la Saint-Roch, les noisettes on croque. »
Bon automne! Et bons travaux,
on September 26, 2008Merci Martine, I think this means that on St Roch’s day (August 17th) the hazelnuts will be ripe enough to eat.
While looking it up I found another:
“À la saint Roch, grande chaleur prépare vin de couleur.”
A very hot St Roch’s day will yield a wine of good colour.
All very appropiate to the Languedoc at the moment.
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