I am the worlds worst watcher of television. given a choice I would happily sit in the dentist’s chair rather than on the couch in front of the telly.
My belief is that people addicted to the television have to have a long and hard apprentiship and then work even harder on the addiction to keep it going.
I have tried really hard to like it but there were a couple of factors which seriously upset my apprentiship.
Firstly there was no TV in Cork during my youth, it didn’t arrive until I was in my teens.
Secondly most of my working life, in the restaurant trade, has been working nights so I just never acquired the habit.
Since I retired four years ago I no longer have an excuse for not watching so I put my back into it and really tried. I sat through at least one of all the soaps, tried to fend off nausea during ER (I will never go into an american hospital, they apply electrodes to your chest if you have a sore finger) but discovered that my pet hate of all time was cookery programmes.
I mean I had just spent 20 years in a kitchen, did I need to spend any more time there!
I consequently managed a compromise with my wife. I bought some headphones and now I bang away on the computer, Jacques Brel on the speakers, while she watches television at the other side of the room.
As a result of that I had never seen Rachel Allen on the telly before I had to squire her for a day during the Euro-Toque Food awards two years ago.

I was immediatly impressed with the girl, as well as being extremely easy on the eye she was modest, self effacing and seemed really interested in food.
I resolved there and then to watch one of her programmes to see how she managed.
I finally got there last night.
She does a really fine job.
And, (and this one sticks in the craw of an elderly dog who thinks he knows all the tricks) her way of using cling film to make the whole baking blind process easy was an eye opener. I will try it myself.
Whereas this does not make me a convert to the box I now promise that there is at least one programme which I would watch.
High praise Rachel.
on October 17, 2008High praise indeed. None greater that describing her as a “girl”!
on October 17, 2008Ah but to an ol’fella like me………..
Petra Kindler
on October 17, 2008Yeah, I happened to watch the bit with the clingfilm and couldn’t believe it! I always use it for rolling the pastry but had certainly never even considered sticking it in the oven and am still reluctant to try. You first, Martin!
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