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Le Rhume

October 30, 2008
16:57 PM

I have been looking forward to a few days in France at Halloween ever since I came back from France at the end of September.
We managed to find an affordable flight which flew to Marseille which gave us just four days here (I’m writing this from Thezan)
I was looking forward particularly to these few days as I-like every Irish person -have been starved of adequate amounts of sun for the last month.

True to its promise we flew into Marseille in an absolute peach of a day, the temperature in the car as we drove through the Camargue towards Languedoc touched 25C.
I knew we had a good bit to do while we here but I was hoping for a bit of French autumn. The trees and the vines are in magnificent colour and the pomegranates are falling off the hedges into our hands.

I should have known better. I was more or less instantly cast down by the worst cold I have had for years.
Spluttering, coughing, streaming, aching, running foul cold.

I lost two day of our precious four.
Tomorrow we go home.
The best laid schemes……….


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef