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Swedish Food

November 25, 2008
09:03 AM

Some of you may not know this but before I ever started to write my blog I have been posting recipes weekly on my site.
These recipes, the ones which I give out on my cookery piece on our local radio station, WLRFM, I have been putting on line since sometime in 2001 or 2002 or as soon as I became sufficiently computer literate to manage it. There must be about 1000 of them under various categories at this stage. (Click on to Recipes on my page for a wallow)
Now yesterday someone from Sweden, Stockholm in fact, came and busily hoovered up about 650 of these recipes, thereby sending my statistics for recipes uptake for one day into an all time high.
Now all the info my Statcounter gives me is that this was from someone in Stockholm, no names no numbers.
I am, just a little bit fascinated.
Could someone, lets call him Lars, be planning a cook-book and be taking one hell of a short cut?
Maybe Lars has just moved into a flat and has realised (as I once did) that he will now have to learn to cook or else starve ?
Or maybe Lars has just got married and this is his new bride anxiously taking the fast lane to fill Mama’s apron?
Do you know in a way I am glad I don’t know anything about this Lars.
I can have hours of harmless fun conjecturing.
I will however be looking through Swedish cook books with a new eye from this on.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef