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The Only One.

March 4, 2009
11:53 AM

As time goes on and we get nearer our date of moving and running a business in France little things strike me from time to time.
Like; How can people discover my telephone number in France ? (given that they don’t think to look for it in my site)

There is a France Telecom on line directory so I tapped my name and address in to this and there it was:

Dwyer Martin
14 r Rene Lentheric
04 67 48 70 18

It also came up with any other similar names in the Languedoc area and strangely enough there were no other Dwyers.

On a whim I started another search and typed in Martin Dwyer, unknown address, anywhere in France.
Lo and Behold, there I was again.

At last I have become unique.
I am the only Martin Dwyer in France !
(it is going to make it very easy to find me though if I ever do anything illegal)


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef