Sile and I seem to have picked at least some of our anniversaires with France in mind.
We got married on Bastille Day, July 14th so that is always suitably celebrated here, with fireworks often!
Sile’s birthday is on May 1st and that is the workers holiday here and also a bank holiday.
Beziers had its huge labour march yesterday which I was expecting but I was surprised by another custom I did not know about.
Yesterday morning when I went down to buy bread the square was full of little stalls of people selling Lily-of-the-Valley.
The square was full of their delightful perfume.
Some of the sellers were ladies doing it for their own profit, some were selling them for charity, there was even a group of older men selling the dainty posies on behalf of the communist party of France.
John Burke
on May 6, 2009According to ma soeur, in her neck of the woods (the Jura) the man is supposed to go out and pick the wild lily of the valley in the woods
We were just outside Ceret for the weekend and the (french) bro-in-law was of the view that the local obviously cultivated lily doesn’t smell as good as the wild . . . notheing ever does
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