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Sharing is Happy Spam

June 3, 2009
16:09 PM

I normally don’t bother to read the spam which gets stuck in my filter, just zap it sight unseen, but something about this one appealed to me, is it the hopeful sentiments or the air of enthusiasm or the inventive use of English ?
I have absolutely no idea what it is about but I quite fancy a connect down get along with of the day with him/her.
I am far to cautious to connect down get along in case I am immediately struck down by some dread connect down virus.
Anyone brave enough out there who would like to practice sharing is happy with them ?

Dear friend:

Welcome to register becoming the member on our website www. lunnu . com. Come together various exquisite article merchandise here, in connect down get along with of the day, we will provide high-quality service and merchandise toward you, again thank your to join You can order the products you are interested in, hope you can at my shopping delectation, sharing is happy.

Our Email:lunnu @ lunnu.com. Thanks and Best wishes.

If you have questions, you can contact me, I will do my power to help you.

Your sincerely.


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