That is the name of the paint we are covering the kitchen/ living room with in Thézan. This a shot of the work in progress and it is painstaking I promise you.
It took the two of us three full days to do the ceiling alone and now we are begining to cover the walls.
Constant readers will notice that The Woman in the Wall has been painted out.
Some you win ………….
Working constantly up ladders for the last week has sharpened my appetite some what – that and the wonderful supplies of fresh fruit and vegetables – so that now I only recognise food and paint, and wine of course.
on June 22, 2009Looks great!
I’m sure we will be able to hasten progress once an authoritarian regime is reinstated in late July: you know, up at 6.30am; silence in the workplace; coffee-breaks on Mondays and Wednesdays only; to bed (sober) by 9.30 etc..
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