The floors in Le Presbytere were all in perfect order when we bought it so we determined to let them decide the colour schemes for the rooms.

The Family Room tiles were a little like Mary Quant daisies and we decided to match the strong pink of the petals for the walls, well for three of the walls, on Mr Nunns advice we painted the wall opposite the window white to achieve maximum light.

The colour turned out a really French washed out Terra Cotta, a perfect colour for Languedoc as it is the colour of choice on the exterior of most houses.
It came from Devine Color and is called Cameo.

Nota Bene the beautiful painting job on the ceiling. (ahem)
on July 3, 2009Hey,
Great looking paint job!!!!!! Love the terra Cotta
Big green leafy plant in the corner on a pedestal, beautiful!
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