Living in a former presbytery we are, as you would expect, very close to the church.

If I glance up now from my computer this is the view I can see out of the kitchen window.
The bit at the top is the belfry or bell tower which my friend Clive tells me is unusual in that it is Bell Cast, or flared slightly at the bottom.
The same tower contains the church bell and this has started to order our lives.
There are in fact three bells in the village, two civil bells as well as the one in the church and all start ringing vigorously at 7 am in the morning. They then ring a single peal for the half hour and the correct hour on the hour.
The morning carillon from the church is certainly intended to rouse the village as after the initial seven strokes it goes a bit potty and does about 33 strikes before fading away.
But then, rather like the snooze button on the alarm clock, you know the wretched thing will leave you in peace until a single peal at 7.30.
It is strange how soon one becomes attuned to these peals, already I find I rarely look at the clock but am forever counting the peals.
My conscious mind no longer hears them but still, I find myself counting feverishly.
A moment of complete confusion happens after midday.
Then the church gives three single peals in three half hour intervals at 12.30, at 1.o’clock and 1.30.
This is probably the only time of the day I have to search out watch or clock to find out which it is.
After the 8 bells of 8 o’clock, out of consideration to the workers I guess, the bells cease to chime and we are allowed rest in peace, until 7 the next morning anyway.
on July 11, 2009Never mind the bells. Just look at that obscenely blue sky while we are bloody drowning here!
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