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The Village (bigger) and the house

October 26, 2009
14:22 PM

Just looking at that shot I took of Thezan last night makes me think it might be pretty enough to be worth showing a little bigger.


And to pinpoint (again I know) the position of Le Presbytere.


Ours is the white house with the tree in the garden but strangely we include the flat bit to the right which also projects above the roof which is actually part of the original (13th Century) wall of the town. (the long slit window is to Sile and my bedroom)


  1. Steve Clark

    on October 26, 2009

    Hi. Did you take this picture from the hill where the cemetery is ?? The village does indeed look very pretty!
    Best Wishes

  2. Martin

    on October 26, 2009

    Thanks Steve, No in fact I took it from the hill to the south just called the Peuch (Occitan for Hill) the Cemetery hill is just out of shot to the right.

  3. Steve Clark

    on October 26, 2009

    Thanks. I realised I had it wrong when I looked at a picture I took from the cemetery hill earlier this year!

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef