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Spanish Kitchen

November 3, 2009
09:55 AM

Spanish Kitchen.jpg

Another lovely painting from the Museu Emporda (I did love this Gallery, all locals and no Dali’s) this one painted in the 1950’s is of a kitchen in the country and could almost be a photo.
Again I have no idea who painted it, apologies to the artist.
The things which fascinated me were the cooking hobs, perfectly modern , set into the counter but made for fire like those of a mediaeval kitchen. I presume charcoal was used but it could just as easily have been sticks. I wonder did they have a problem of smoke in the kitchen, I produce pillars of smoke when I barbecue.


  1. martine

    on November 3, 2009

    About ten years ago, in Barcelona, I visited a flat with the same cooking hobs. Not very handy nowadays, but still beautiful. The charcoal goes underneath. Don’t know if it smokes, but you can always open the window.

  2. Martin

    on November 3, 2009

    Too true, and yes they are beautiful.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef