On November 1st, the feast of All Saints it is traditional for the people of France to visit the graves of their dead relatives and friends and leave huge pots of Chrysanthemums.
To this end all the shops in the village have been selling these beautiful pots of flowers for the last fortnight.
Even the Tabac and the Supermarché had them for sale.
Today being the fifth, and all the paying of respects well over, Sile and I went up to the graveyard to see the display.

We were not disappointed.
Nearly all of the graves were decorated with overflowing pots of Chrysanthemums.

The paths in the graveyard were bordered with fresh flowers.

One grave to an obviously much loved Granny positively overflowed with flowers.

There was one grave however, right at the gate which was undecorated.
Síle and I have noticed this grave before. Although it was originally a large momument to who lies beneath it has no flowers or mementoes.
Also, and this is quite bizarre, the name, or names on the front of the grave stone have been effaced or maybe just eroded away.
It seems a sad little mystery in a graveyard full of the remembered dead.
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