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The Conquering Heroine

November 16, 2009
20:25 PM

Well I may have given an indication during the course of this month that my being alcohol-free has improved my scrabble somewhat and I have made a habbit of beating Síle (who still is imbibing small quantities of red wine of an evening)

This evening, having consumed almost two glasses of red wine (her consumption declines shockingly without me to pour for her) she got her revenge.

My score was a totally acceptable 338:– bear in mind that any score over 250 (with two players) is reckoned to be very good.

But that is to reckon without Mrs. Dwyer, let us remember that she thought herself publicly humiliated by my previous mentions in the blog of how I was winning more than the normal average.

Revenge is sweet.

Mrs D’s score was a thundering 394 (this included two fifties for getting all seven letters out), which means that not only have we succeeded in having the highest combined score of 732 (beating the Kiwi and my April high by 12) but she now has the highest score yet in Le Presbytere.

The Kiwi will now have to play Síle to regain his crown.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef