This is a glass goblet from, I guess, sometime in the nineteenth century (it has a nice Georgian/Classical look to it) which I bought about six years ago in Cornwall.
Intact I suppose this would have set me back a hundred quid or more but as it was the lady in the junk shop where I bought it was happy to get a fiver for it.
It is broken, smashed at the point where the stem meets the base.
Broken glassware, no matter how beautiful it once was, is virtually without value.
But what I love about this glass is although someone broke it, someone went to the trouble to repair it too.
If you look carefully at the stem you will see that there are two metal rods going from the base right into the bowl of the glass where they are attached with a pin.
It works perfectly and in this state of repair was probably cherished for further decades by the owner.
Such tender care makes it even more valuable to me and I wouldn’t swap it for an intact replica.
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