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Channel Hopping

February 9, 2010
06:37 AM

I won’t be around for a few days.
This afternoon I fly to Luton from Beziers, wait around there for a few hours and then fly into Waterford.
There my mate Clive will pick me up and then we will go to my house in Waterford to pick up my overnight bag-(I am as cute as a pet fox, and won’t pay any extras to Ryanair) before going to his house in Thomastown for the night.
On Wednesday we will pack as much as we can into the van of my remaining furniture in Waterford, retire again to The Mill and hit Irish Ferries in Rosslare at 9.00 on Thursday morning.
The Oscar Wilde is still out of service but Irish Ferries have done a deal with my original booking so Clive and I will sail to Pembroke with €150 compo in my pocket before picking up and overnight ferry in Portsmouth (also courtesy of Irish Ferries) and sailing to Caen before starting the long descent to the Languedoc on Friday morning, arriving in Thézan 12 hours later.


I’ll let yez all know how we get on.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef