We are so lambasted in Ireland with notions of Le Style Francais that we get to expect that they are impeccible in terms of style and savoir faire.
In fact we have discovered that the French take to (what we call) “Bad Taste” with a relish undiscovered in Ireland.
One has only to look at their love of silver shoes, artificial flowers and the strange colours the ladies dye their hair.
We get , with our free “Publicite” every week a brochure from a crowd called Temps L.
A particularly tasteful birthday cake decoration which they offer in their pages I have taken a fancy to.

It starts life as a closed Lotus Blossom which you place on the cake and light.
Once you light it it shoots a column of flame into the sky whistling as it does so;
“Happy Birthday To You”.
Then it gradually unfolds, as it does, the individual petals light from the main flower and so become like a star burst and then it turns , all aflame and still tinkles “Happy Birthday ” all the time.
I would have, I confess, adored it as a child, (or as an adult would someone buy it for me)
If by any chance you (like me) want to see this whole process on video simplly click on to;
And dispair not, it also comes in blue for a boy.
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