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Les Aromatiques

April 9, 2010
08:47 AM


Last year Clive found this garden etagere in a brocante so, with the help of my old Stainless Steel window boxes from the restaurant days, I have decided to turn this into my herb garden (I am just not prepared to let them be a culinary feast for the escargots in the garden proper)

Top row;
Chervil, (very scrawny) Tarragon, Flat Parsley,Chives and a little Curly Parsley.
Middle Row;
Mint (in a pot to stop it spreading) Basil, a white bedding plant for variety, More Chervil (my favourite herb) and Lemon Thyme.
Bottom Row;
Fennel, Sorrel Thyme , Wild Garrigue Rosemary and Rosemary.

Incidentally the French call these Aromatiques while in the garden.
They only become Fines Herbs once they come indoors.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef