I don’t think either of us had glanced at the inside of the front door before we bought Le Presbytere in 2006.
If we had this is what we would have seen.

It took the brother-in-law, Martin to do some painting to bring out the detail (I am always trying to persuade him to leave the day job- he has a future in painting)

Looking at the whole door again this morning I marvelled at the details in the making of it.

There is something of the stern patriarch in this detail, perhaps I am being fanciful.

This heart motif recurs in several details in the house, perhaps it was a local speciality.

I love the way it is both functional and beautiful-I mean no-one is going to break easily through that bolt.

And yet the other similar bolt has a different motif.
The makers must have been amazing craftsmen, and enjoyed their work.
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